I worked with a diverse group of partners, including the Ministry of Health of Kenya, the Kenyan National Cancer Control Program, ICAP at Colombia University, among many others, to develop nation-wide training for community health workers on cancer prevention, screening, early detection, management, and support. Please find excerpts of the facilitator manual here and the participant manual here.
I worked with Partners In Health to develop a system of mental health care across four cadres of healthcare workers in Haiti. The earthquake in Haiti made evident that long-term, durable mental health care was severely needed. I worked to develop several of these trainings in English and in French.
I worked with ICAP at Columbia University to develop training materials on the introduction of Dolutegravir for the treatment of HIV as a part of the OPTIMIZE project. The trainings are for healthcare workers in PEPFAR supported countries across Africa.
In partnership with the team at ICAP at Columbia University, I developed Pediatric ARV Counseling Cards and Job Aids. The toolkit contains resources for caregivers administering antiretroviral medications to infants and children. It contains three sets of counseling cards: administering granules, administering pellets (in English as well as French), and teaching children to swallow pellets. Two job aids outline the optimal dosing regimens for granules and pellets.
My paper, Risky Business: Condom Failure as Experienced by Female Sex Workers in Mombassa Kenya was published in the Journal of Culture, Health & Sexuality in September, 2016.
I was a supporting author on a paper called Implementation of the Navajo fruit and vegetable prescription programme to improve access to healthy foods in a rural food desert which was published in August 2020 in the Journal of Public Health Nutrition.
I was a supporting author on a paper called Implementation of a mentored professional development programme in laboratory leadership and management in the Middle East and North Africa. The paper was published in 2016 in the East Mediterranean Health Journal.
“This course really helped me to connect dots, understand jargons and acronyms I have been hearing in the office. I think I am much equipped now with relevant information of how systems/procedures work.”
Participant, 2022
“This was a great orientation course, with lots of effort from facilitators to care about us and our level of understanding!”
Participant, 2022
“You do a spectacular job. I am overwhelmed with gratitude with the care you give to get us to level you want us at.”
EK, 2021
“A big thanks to you all on the training team (and especially the mentors!) You all are always there to provided guidance and direction whenever we’re confused and overwhelmed by the complicated cases we encounter in our work. This guidance is always given with thoughtfulness and kindness; which is also very appreciated! Thanks for all you do for us!”
MT, 2021
“I think overall I feel really well trained and capable to do my job here. I am really impressed at how we all get up to speed so fast given the nature of this work!”
BG, 2021
“Thank you for putting so much effort into creating and updating protocols, being receptive to feedback, and engaging constructively with staff. Thank you!”
CM, 2021
“I think everyone learns best when they have a trusting relationship with the trainer- I know and appreciate how you try to build that here.”
LA, 2021
“I really, really appreciate all the work you all put into this. This is the most extensive training, learning, and guidance experience I’ve ever had, and it’s really impactful on- what seemed to be- a nigh-impossible task (help take on a pandemic raging the world). Thank you so much!”
BW, 2021