I was recently reminded of this great TED Talk by Simon Sinek called Why good leaders make you feel safe. Good leaders
In his talk, he suggests that when the right environment is created, we are all capable of doing remarkable things and acting in great service to others. He attributes trust and cooperation to building that great environment.
I have found that, perhaps oddly, when I’ve worked in really fast paced environments (ie: disasters, pandemics, epidemics), the tolerance for mistakes is higher. We know that we are making decisions quickly and not everything will go right. But, in some ways, that increases the trust and feeling of safety. It allows for honest conversation. It encourages people to ask for help.
But, how do you do you build a sense of safety? Simon proposes some suggestions, have a listen!
What are your thoughts?
Who do you look up to as good leaders?
How do you make your team feel safe?
Or, in your own heart, what could you be doing to increase that level of safety and security?
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