Soon after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, Partners In Health began building a system for mental health care to serve an area of 1.3 million people. I started a few years later to support the curriculum development that was underway to support the creation of a mental health system of care in Haiti. We built training materials for four different cadres of health care workers, developed forms, referral pathways, and in all, a system of care.
Cut to a few years later… PIH is taking those learnings from Haiti to build systems of mental health care across all PIH sites. I work with the Mental Health team to adapt the materials for use in multiple countries and cultural contexts. I re-wrote the materials and offered prompts to managers as to when to use the materials, what systems needed to be in place before the training is appropriate, and offer suggestions for adaptation to the cultural context.
The materials are available beyond the Partners In Health network. The team graciously shares materials via the Mental Health Innovation Network. Please reach out if you, too, want to adapt materials to your context. I would be happy to help!
Information about the cross-site Mental Health work at PIH can be found here.
Interested in working together? Please find my portfolio, including materials for the PIH Mental Health projects, here.