I am thrilled to announce that training materials for health care workers on the introduction of DTG for the treatment of HIV are now online!
A global consortium makes up the The OPTIMIZE project. It’s members are improving treatment outcomes for people living with HIV. The Project aims to optimize ARV drugs and formulations and accelerate their introduction in low- and middle-income countries. I contributed to the impressive work of the consortium by writing the training materials for health care workers.
These days, the ideal scenario is test and immediately treat all who have an HIV positive test. This is a shift from of treating only those who have low CD4 counts or pregnant, for example. This is huge! It is a huge move towards equity and justice in health care.
Of course, there are challenges to a shift like this. One of the challenges that OPTIMIZE is addressing is around complicated treatment guidelines. Complicated guidelines may include several different drug formulation for multiple populations. The introduction of DTG helps to simplify the treatments overall, harmonize treatment across populations, simplify the supply chain, and save money.
There have been several pivotal moments in the fight against AIDS and this one, an effort to get 90% of those living with HIV on treatment, is one of them! And DTG is a tool that will help achieve the goal.
As always, I am open to new contracts and to working together. Please let me know how I can help you to build effective, exciting, and practice-based trainings.
PS: Read more about the activism behind this work here.